California Campus Misconduct Lawyer

Campus Misconduct Law Firm California
College misconduct charges can derail your academic career. We’re here to protect your rights and future. If you’re a student in California facing misconduct charges, The Hahn Legal Group is here to help.
From probation to expulsion, the consequences of misconduct are serious. Get experienced legal help now.
The Hahn Law Group APC has extensive experience working with students through disciplinary proceedings and beyond, if necessary.
Codes of Conduct Offenses and School Actions
Codes of Conduct were implemented, as the UCLA code cites: “to create and maintain a safe, supportive, and inclusive campus community.” They define behaviors that are considered student misconduct. A student accused of a university code of conduct violation may face a student disciplinary hearing. That hearing can result in a wide range of possible penalties.
Codes of conduct change often. They are comprehensive – UC Berkley’s code is twenty-seven pages long – and they are enforced.
Colleges and universities in California have their own codes of conduct. They each have different methods of conducting investigations. They each have their own procedures once a student is charged.

Violation of The Codes of Conduct
Violation Sanctions
- Letter of Admonition.
- Agreement of Resolution.
- Warning.
- Exclusion from Areas of the Campus or from Official University Functions.
- Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities.
- Community Service.
- Restitution.
- Letter of Apology.
- Housing Exclusion.
- Withholding of diploma or awarding of degree.
Actions & Their Consequences
Each of these actions have ramifications. Sometimes for years. Serious actions include Suspension or Dismissal.
Every action has immediate and future repercussions. There are substantial financial losses associated with many of them. There is always the specter of losing eligibility for financial aid. There are costs involved in losing on-campus housing and having to move off-campus. When a student is suspended and/or dismissed they lose whatever tuition and fees they paid for the current semester.
Each action also has consequences that may resonate beyond college. Disciplinary measures often appear on transcripts and student records. They can affect being accepted by a graduate or professional school. They have the potential to affect future employment.
They do not go away without a fight. With this much at stake, it’s imperative that students and their families get professional advice as soon as possible. Before the process begins, if possible.
The Hahn Legal Group APC has extensive experience helping college students navigate the disciplinary process. While colleges have a procedure, we know that they are not always as fair and evenhanded as they should be. We know that in many cases it’s in the school’s best interest to move quickly. What looks like due process in the student handbook isn’t always so in practice.
We also know that events are rarely clear cut. Universities frequently act on matters over which they have no jurisdiction.

Off campus activities and social media posts to name two. Events are frequently taken completely out of context.
We will guide you through the university disciplinary process. At some educational institutions, The Hahn Legal Group APC can appear and defend you at every hearing. At others, accused students are allowed attorneys in supporting roles – in the hallway if need be – while the student attends the hearing.
Whatever the institution of higher learning, we will clearly explain your school’s process and your rights. We will review the charge and the possible outcomes with you. Together we will decide on the proper approach to take and develop the strategy to be successful.
Throughout the process we will fiercely protect your individual freedoms and rights. We will ensure that you are aware of every step of the process and are never blindsided. We make certain that you respond promptly and properly to the school’s timeline.
Finally, if needed, The Hahn Legal Group APC stands ready to take the matter to a state or federal court. It’s perfectly understandable for anyone accused of an offense to immediately want ‘their day in court.’ That cannot occur in a code of conduct matter until the institution’s administrative remedies have been exhausted.
Regardless of the path we must take, our goal is to for you to obtain a degree with a clean record.
We’re ready to fight for your rights. Contact The Hahn Legal Group today.
The Hahn Legal Group APC has represented students of all ages in San Diego, and Southern California including Los Angeles, Imperial, Inyo, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura counties, as well as Northern California.
Our Accessibility Commitment
Hahn Legal Group is committed to making our legal services accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.

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