The Hahn Legal Group APC attorneys are experienced in small business and corporate law-related matters to complex litigation. Our knowledge and expertise allow us to provide practical advice that will serve our clients’ best interests in business partnership disputes and contract issues.
Practice Areas

Property Disputes and Construction Defect
The Hahn Legal Group APC has established a knowledgeable and experienced construction law practice. Our attorneys have extensive experience defending contractors, subcontractors, home builders, suppliers, and insurance companies in various aspects of construction litigation.

Insurance Policies: Insurance policies protect against a wide variety of risks. We will protect your rights when there are disputes in coverage. Insurance Defense: The Hahn Legal Group APC attorneys are experienced in defending general liability, premises liability and product liability claims for a variety of clients.
Personal Injury
The Hahn Legal Group APC has extensive experience representing a wide array of personal injury cases ranging from automobile accidents to slips and falls, wrongful death injuries. Our attorneys are highly qualified and skilled obtaining favorable results through mediation, arbitration and litigation.

Premises Liability
Premises liability generally refers to injuries that occur to victims as a result of unsafe conditions on another person’s property. The Hahn Legal Group APC team effectively handles premises liability cases by conducting thorough investigations, exercising our extensive knowledge of the law to apply to the facts.
Education Law
From grammar school to high school. From college to post-graduate and professional schools, children and young adults are governed by a series of rules and codes of conduct apart from the laws all of us are obligated to follow every day.

Bullying Issues
Few issues are more in the public eye, on social media, and in popular culture than bullying. Bully awareness is at an all-time high. Sadly, awareness doesn’t mean eradication. Bullying is still endemic at schools on every level. Worse, it has taken on new dimensions in the Information Age.
California Law Firm for Title IX Accusations
Campus allegations of a sexual nature go through a university’s code of conduct procedures as Title IX violations. They will be resolved by a Title IX hearing. Title IX is a federal civil rights law. It was enacted as part of the Education Amendment Act of 1972.

California Medical/Dental School Student Appeals Attorneys
It takes dedication and sacrifice to get into medical school. Once there, expectations and demands are high. A medical student’s grades, clinical knowledge, and skills are appraised. Constantly. They must adhere to the medical school’s standards of conduct.
California Suspension and Expulsion Lawyers
Suspensions and expulsions are the harshest punishments a school can impose on a student. In California there are strict guidelines and procedures that schools on all levels must follow while imposing them. In theory, these punishments are intended for the most severe discipline problems.

Campus Misconduct
Every college and university in California have a code of conduct. Students must follow that code throughout their academic careers. Violating a rule in a school’s code of conduct can result in a charge of misconduct and a disciplinary hearing. Penalties run the gamut from probation or suspension to expulsion.
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